
Glitch Halts Toronto Stock Exchange Trading - Wall Street Journal

TMX Group decided around 3:15 p.m. to halt trading for the day on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

Photo: Stephanie Foden/Bloomberg News

Problems with the order entry system at the Toronto Stock Exchange brought an early end to the trading day in Canada on Thursday.

TMX Group Ltd., which operates the exchange, said traders couldn’t enter, modify or cancel open orders. The problems extended to the TSX Venture Exchange and TSX Alpha, an alternative exchange.

Trading was halted just before 2 p.m. on a day when stocks in Canada were dropping as investors reacted to fears about the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on corporate profits and the economy.

TMX Group decided around 3:15 p.m. to halt trading for the day. The market typically closes at 4 p.m.

The TSX, the largest exchange in Canada, dropped more 566 points at midmorning before closing down 324 points, or 1.9%, at 16717.

A similar problem beset the exchange’s trading systems in April 2018, when a technical glitch was also blamed for halting trading in the afternoon.

Write to Vipal Monga at

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